1 / 45

1.Listening is _________ .


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2.Fully Physical, Mentally, Emotionally, Psychologically presentation is called ____________

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3. ____________ is a ability to accurately receive and interpret message

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4.________ is the sound that we hear and enter our ears

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5. Use of those sounds which as sound/sights to make a sense of them is Listening ___________

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6.Judging the speaker what helps he/she said is ________ listening.

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7.When we appreciate the speaker it gives him _________ motivation

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8.When we react according to nature and behaviour it is called __________

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9.Listener focuses on content and manner in which they participate ___________


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10. We need logic to understand the content ________ listener

11 / 45

11.Barriers to active listener are ____________

12 / 45

12. Lack of interest, prevents on to pay complete attention is called __________

13 / 45

13.Principles of effective listening are __________

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14.Preconcieved ideas or bias means __________

15 / 45

15. _______ barrier is not Listening barrier

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16. Listening is ________ part of communication

17 / 45

17.Concentrate, Avoid distraction, Try to prepare beforehand, etc are ____________

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18.In listening concentration requires __________

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19.There is no difference between hearing and listening _________

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20.Lack of interest in the subject is a Barrier to Active listening _________

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21. Which of these is not a step in the listening process?

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22. Which of these should be avoided for effective listening?

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23. Which of these should be avoided in pre-listening analysis?

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24. Which of these is based on effective listening?

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25. Which of these is not a deterrent to the listening process?

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Listening means to respond to advice or request.

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Which of these is not a step in the listening process?

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Which of these is the first step in the listening process?

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Which of these is the third step in the listening process?

30 / 45

__________ is the last step of the listening process.

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Hearing means perceiving with ears.

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Which of these is not a type of listening?

33 / 45

Which of these types of listening lacks depth?

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In which of these types of listening, does the listener feel grateful?

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Which of these types of listening is followed by skilled listeners?

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In which of these, the listener puts himself in place of the speaker?

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A successful manager should be a trained listener.

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Which of these should be avoided for effective listening?

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In which of these does the listener pick up special features of the speech?

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A well organized talk is a __________ talk.

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Which of these should be avoided in pre-listening analysis?

42 / 45

Predicting is the technique to forecast what the speaker will say.

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In which of these, should the listener be able to make connections between different
segments of the speech?

44 / 45

Which of these is based of effective listening?

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Which of these should be avoided while note taking?