The vision of becoming a Company Secretary (CS) in India can, in fact, become true by taking a step forward with the ICSI CSEET (Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test) for the May 2024 session.
This three-hour exam, which is organized by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), is a prerequisite to join the highly regarded Chartered Secretary course.
Here is a complete guide for the job seekers who are interested in getting CSEET certification, to know about registration process, criteria to get CSEET certification, and various preparatory resources.

The ICSI CSEET is a test which must be passed by the prospective candidates before they can be admitted into the CS Executive Programme conducted by the ICSI.
This online test assesses a candidate’s basic understanding of the subjects relevant to the CS profession, including: This online test assesses a candidate’s basic understanding of the subjects relevant to the CS profession, including:
• Business Communication
• Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning
• Economic and Business Ecosystem
• Accounting and Auditing
• Company Law and secretarial practice
The fact that the candidate has the CSEET qualification proves that he or she has passed the core competencies and analytical possibilities which are the basic requirements to consider a career in corporate governance.
Who can register for ICSI CSEET May 2024?

ICSI has laid down specific procedures to qualify for the CSEET May 2024 exam. Here’s a breakdown of who can sign up:
Students who have already passed or appeared for Plus Two(10+2) examination or equivalent.
Exemptions from the CSEET: Individuals who have specific qualifications and are exempt from the CSEET may register directly for the CS Executive Program.
These requirements include:
Candidates passed:
- CA Final (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India).
- CMA Final (Indian Institute of Cost Accountants).
- Graduates with at least 50%
- Candidates who has completed their Post Graduation.
CSEET Registration for ICSI CSEET May 2024
Step 1: Visit official website click here
Step 2: Click on ‘Online Services’.
Step 3: Click on ‘Register for CSEET exam’ below.
Step 4: Tick the required check boxes and go to ‘Proceed to CSEET registration’.
Step 5: Candidates should fill in the main points
Step 6: Enter billing information
Step 7: Apply the mandatory cards
Step 8: Preview the application form
Step 9: After preview, click on ‘Confirm Application’ button
Step 10: Select payment mode and click Next button
Step 11: Generate the Transaction ID
Important Dates for ICSI CSEET May 2024 Registration
The registration window for the ICSI CSEET May 2024 session has already closed. Here are the key dates to keep in mind for future reference:
- Registration Start Date (December 2023): This date is subject to change for subsequent sessions. It’s recommended to visit the ICSI website ( regularly for updates.
- Registration Last Date (April 15, 2024): Missing this deadline will prevent you from appearing in the May 2024 exam.
Having enrolled, now, your attention ought to be focused on your preparation. Here are some valuable resources to help you ace the CSEET: Here are some valuable resources to help you ace the CSEET:
• ICSI Study Material: The ICSI creates study material and mock tests in particular, which are specially tailored for CSEET candidates. As these resources may well give you a sufficient grasp of the exam syllabus, use these for a better understanding.
• Coaching Institutes: There are a number of coaching institutions in the market that coach candidates in classrooms or online for CSEET. Such a type of programs can allow students to have a structured learning and guidance from the lecturers who already have experience in their field.
CSEET Admit Card 2024, ICSI January Sеssion Hall Tickеt.
ICSI Released CSEET January 2023 Admit Cards: Download Now
• Online Resources: Try out online sources such as the sample papers, previous year question papers, and online mock tests in order to adapt to the exam format and test your preparedness.
Final thoughts:
Successfully registering for the ICSI CSEET May 2024 (or any future session) marks the beginning of your journey towards becoming a certified Company Secretary. Remember, the CS profession offers a promising career path with diverse opportunities in corporate governance, legal compliance, and strategic decision-making. By diligently preparing for the CSEET, you can unlock doors to a fulfilling professional journey.