If a student is preparing for some important examinations especially w.r.t. any professional examination, a student must refer to almost all types of relevant papers and materials available to them. One of the most important category in this direction is the “Previous year question papers”.
Even it is also understood that appearing for an important examination without sifting through the previous year question papers for that particular examination is also considered as the trigger for failure.
If not failure then definitely it has a risk associated with this of not knowing the pattern, marking and contents of the previous year question papers.
That’s why it is always to better to explore the previous year question papers and getting yourself familiarised before sitting in the examination.
ICSI has given a lot of options for the benefits of the students. Similar is the option for choosing and selecting the previous year question papers for their review and preparation for examination.
Procedure for downloading the previous year question papers
Following is the process given by the Institute of Companies Secretaries of India for proceeding for downloading the previous year question papers for CS Executive stage
Step 1- Open the web url -www.icsi.edu. Following screen will start appearing
Step 2- After this you will see a lot of tabs and options appearing on the screen as follows
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The student has to click on the tab named as Students.
The following screen will start appearing
There will be a lot of options appearing on the drop down menu as follows-