1792 BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE-BUSINESS COMMUNICATION 1 / 40 1.Permanent Written letter profit______ Blocked letter Formal letter Business letter None of these 2 / 40 2.Business letter includes: Letter Drafting Writing All of these 3 / 40 3. Letter head contains_______ Contact no. And emails Logo Company’s name All of these 4 / 40 4.In a business letter date should be written as__________ 14 Feb 2020 14 February 2020 14/02/2020 14-02-2020 5 / 40 5.Official letter is also not known as: Unofficial letter Formal letter Official letter None of these 6 / 40 6.Modified Blocked letters are also called______________ Blocked letter Informal Letter Semi Blocked letter None of these 7 / 40 7.In a Business letter BA implies____________ Brevity and accuracy Acceptable and brevity Beautiful and accuracy None of these 8 / 40 8.Courtesy, Complete, Clarity, Simplicity _________ brevity accuracy, etc Sincerity and style Smooth and slow Both (a) and (b) None of these 9 / 40 9.Business letter should have ___________ attitude I Me You We 10 / 40 10.You attitude gives _______________ to employees organisation. Motivation Enhance goodwill of the firm Friendly atmosphere All of these 11 / 40 11. Positive Messages includes: Good news Confirmation Congratulations All of the above 12 / 40 12.Persuasive Messages consist of______________. Positive audience Negative audience Both (a) and (b) Neither (a) and (b) 13 / 40 13.Report has been derived from_________ Reportare Reporter Repotrait None of these 14 / 40 14.Report is a Message to company________ Directors Managers Both All of these 15 / 40 15.__________ is not a type of business report Compliance Recommendation Appreciative Investigation 16 / 40 16.Feasibilty, Research, Situational, Investigation is type of___________ Business letter Business Report Both None 17 / 40 17.Business Report Doesn’t include_______________ Executive Summary Body Key Finding Information 18 / 40 18.Memorandum Includes________ Heading Title/Numbering Body/Sign All of these 19 / 40 19.Office Circulars consists of_______ Information To large no. Of employees Internal communication All of these 20 / 40 20. Deals with lights and privileges of employees______ Office Orders Office Notes Memorandum Office Circular 21 / 40 A job application is similar to (a) Sales letter (b) Purchase letter (c) Letter of order (d) None of the above 22 / 40 A sales letter drafted for a large number of people is known as (a) Sales Order (b) Sales circular (c) Sales manual (d) Sales Enquiry 23 / 40 Office orders have a format similar to that of: (a) Press Release (b) Representation (c) Advertisement (d) Memorandum 24 / 40 Which of the following is not a form of intra-organizational communication. (a) Representation (b) Memorandum (c) Press release (d) Office Notes 25 / 40 Difference between a sales letter and sales circular is (a) Subtitle (b) Salutation (c) Introduction (d) Conclusion 26 / 40 Which of the following features specifically does not relate to advertisement (a) Inviting tender (b) Hike in prices (c) Placing an order (d) Recruitment of personnel 27 / 40 Which of the following is not the heading of a classified? (a) Business offer (b) Situation vacant (c) Situation wanted (d) Situation sale 28 / 40 What does OEM stands for? (a) Outstated Equipment Manufactures (b) Original Equipment Manufactures (c) Ordinary Equipment Manufactures (d) None of the above 29 / 40 Which type of letter is not good will letter. (a) Thank you letter (b) Condolence letter (c) Letter of complaint (d) Letter of sympathy 30 / 40 Which of these terms and conditions are not present in the letter of appointment? (a) Place of operation (b) Remuneration (c) Probation (d) None of these 31 / 40 Which of these terms and conditions are not present in the letter of appointment? (a) Place of operation (b) Remuneration (c) Probation (d) None of these 32 / 40 The first step of a commercial transaction is __________. (a) Making an order (b) Making an enquiry (c) Giving quotations (d) None of these 33 / 40 In case of tender notices, EMD stands for: (a) Electronic monetary deposit (b) Earnest money department (c) Earnest money division (d) Earnest money deposit 34 / 40 Normally, in tender notices EMD is __________ of estimated value. (a) 2% (b) 3% (c) 4% (d) 5% 35 / 40 In case of tenders, contract is given based on the principle of: (a) Lowest bid get the contract (b) Highest bid get the contract (c) Best bid will get the contract (d) None of these 36 / 40 In case of order letters which of these is not placed under the head of terms and conditions: (a) Price (b) Discount (c) Credit terms (d) Dispatch 37 / 40 What does “D” stands for in AIDAS plan ? (a) Despatch (b) Discount (c) Delivery (d) Desire 38 / 40 __________ is the biggest example of paid communication. (a) Advertisement (b) Publicity (c) Letters (d) All of these 39 / 40 Which of these is an essential feature required for advertisement ? (a) Exposure (b) Perseverance (c) Retention (d) All of these 40 / 40 Which of these is not a traditional method of approaching customers ? (a) Handbills (b) Leaflets (c) Brochures (d) Personal mails Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte