2242 Verbal Reasoning - Logical Reasoning 1 / 20 K, A, M, A, L, L, A, M, A, ? (a) L (b) M (c) k (d) J 2 / 20 L, N, R, Z, ? (a) E (b) J (c) P (d) O 3 / 20 W, U, S, P, M, I, ? (a) E (b) A (c) H (d) F 4 / 20 ABC, PQR, DEF, STU, ? (a) GKL (b) VWX (c) GHI (d) UK 5 / 20 PRIMARILY, RIMARILY, RIMARIL, ? (a) IMAR (b) RIMARI (c) IMARIL (d) RIMA 6 / 20 YW, US, ? MK, (a) RP (b) BD (c) FH (d) QO 7 / 20 XWA, VTC, SPF, OKJ, ? (a) JDN (b) JEO (c) LPN (d) JDP 8 / 20 XYZ, XZY, YZX, ? , ZXY (a) XZZ (b) YXZ (c) YZW (d) ZYX 9 / 20 AYBZC, DWEXF, GUHVI, JSKTL, ? (a) MQORN (b) QMONR (c) MQNRO (d) NQMOR 10 / 20 A, P, C, Q, E, R, G, ?, ? (a) S, I (b) H, I (c) l, S (d) T, J 11 / 20 A, P, C, Q, E, R, G, ?, ? (a) S, I (b) H, I (c) l, S (d) T, J 12 / 20 Pointing to a lady in the photograph, Monika said, “Her son’s father is the son-in-law of my mother” How is Monika related to the lady ? (a) Aunt (b) Sister (c) Mother (d) Cousin 13 / 20 Amit introduce Akash of the son of the only brother of his father's wife. How is Akash related to Anil ? (a) Cousin (b) Son (c) Uncle (d) Son-in-law 14 / 20 Pointing to a man in a photograph, Sania said, “His mother's only daughter is my mother", How is Sania related to that man ? (a) Nephew (b) Sister (c) Wife (d) Niece 15 / 20 Pointing to a woman, Rajesh said, “She is the daughter of the only child of my grandmother”. How is the woman related to Rajesh ? (a) Sister (b) Niece (c) Cousin (d) Brother 16 / 20 K and L are brothers. M and N are sisters K's son is N's brother. How is L related to M ? (a) Father (b) Brother (c) Grandfather (d) Uncle 17 / 20 Pointing to a photograph of a boy Suresh said, “He is the son of the only son of my mother”. How is Suresh related to that boy ? (a) Brother (b) Uncle (c) Cousin (d) Father 18 / 20 If A is the brother of B, B is the sister of C, and C is the father of D, how D is related to A ? (a) Brother (b) Sister (c) Nephew (d) Can’t say` 19 / 20 If A + B means A is the brother of B, A - B means A is the sister of B, and A x B means A is the father of B. Which of the following means that C is the son of M ? (a) M – N x C + F (b) F - C + N x M (c) N + M – F x C (d) M x N – C + F 20 / 20 Introducing a boy, a girl said, “He is the son of the daughter of the father of my unde.” How is the boy related to the girl ? (a) Brother (b) Nephew (c) Uncle (d) Son-in-law Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte