Preparation Strategy For Legal Aptitude Logical Reasoning for CSEET 2025

The Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test is important for the CS aspirants to become a company secretary. Out of the four main subjects, the Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning requires a proper approach as it has conceptual depth and an analytical nature.

CSEET Syllabus 2025

I. Paper 1: Business Communication (50 marks)
II. Paper 2: Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning (50 marks)
III. Paper 3: Economic and Business Environment (50 marks)
IV. Paper 4: Current Affairs, Quantitative aptitude(50marks)

This blog will guide you on how to create a proper preparation strategy for the 2025 CSEET exam so that you can answer the section confidently and clearly.

Legal Aptitude Logical Reasoning
Part A: – Legal Aptitude (25 Marks)
1. Indian ConstitutionPreambleCitizenshipFundamental Rights and Fundamental DutiesDirective Principles of State PolicyState under ConstitutionPresident and GovernorsCouncil of Ministers and Prime MinisterLok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Legislative Assembly, Legislative Council Supreme Court and High CourtsLandmark Amendment in ConstitutionList of subjects-Centre, State and Concurrent
2. Elements of General Laws (Indian Contract Act and Law of Torts)A. Law of ContractOffer, Acceptance, Consideration and Competency to Contract.AgreementTypes of Contract: Void, Voidable, UnenforceablePerformance of ContractFrustration of ContractQuasi ContractBreach of Contract and Remedies

B. Law of Torts Basics of TortsSpecific DefensesNuisance and NegligenceStrict, Absolute and Vicarious LiabilityTrespassMalicious Prosecution
3. Elements of Company Secretaries LegislationThe Institute of Company Secretaries of India Vision, Mission, Motto and Core Values of the Institute Company Secretary under Company Secretaries Act, 1980.Functions of Company Secretary under the Companies Act, 2013 Role of Company Secretary in EmploymentRole of Company Secretary in Practice
4. Elements of Company LawMeaning and Nature of CompanyTypes of Companies Incorporation of a CompanyTypes of capitalBoard of Directors (Concept, Appointment and Removal of Directors)Board Meetings & Shareholders MeetingsCorporate Social ResponsibilityBusiness EthicsEthical Dilemma
5. Legal ReasoningLegal Fundamentals and Terms Legal Problems- Reading and understanding a caseLegal Terminology and MaximsLegal Reasoning -(a) Reasoning by Analogy (b) Inductive and Deductive ReasoningQuestions of Fact (or factual issues) Questions of Law (or legal issues)Landmark Judgments of Supreme Court and High CourtReading Comprehension
Part B:- Logical Reasoning (25 Marks)
1. Logical ReasoningCalendarsCause and Effect ReasoningClocksCoding and DecodingDeriving Conclusion from PassagesDrawing InferenceNumber TestSequence and Series Statement and Assumptions
2. Verbal ReasoningAlphabet TestAlpha Numeric Sequence PuzzleAnalogyAssertion and ReasonBlood RelationsDecision Making Inserting Missing CharactersLogical Sequence TestLogical Venn DiagramNumber, Ranking and Time Sequence TestSyllogismTruth Tellers and Liars
3. Non-Verbal ReasoningAnalytical ReasoningClassificationCompletion of Incomplete PatternFigure MatrixGrouping of Identical FiguresMirror ImageRule DetectionNumeric and Alphabet Series

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Legal Aptitude Logical Reasoning

Preparation Strategy for Logical Reasoning

Below we’ve mentioned the preparation strategies for Logical Reasoning 2025

Strengthen Your Analytical Thinking

Solve basic reasoning questions daily. Start with easy puzzles and gradually move to complex ones.
Work on seating arrangements and direction-based questions to improve visualization skills.

Master Syllogisms

Practice Venn diagram methods for solving syllogism problems.
Pay attention to keywords like “all,” “some,” and “none” to interpret statements accurately.

Practice Coding-Decoding

Understand patterns in alphabets and numbers.
From simpler codes to gradual increase in intensity.

Blood Relation and Puzzles

The family tree, for blood-related questions, avoids complicated relationships.
Solve puzzle on a daily basis to exercise logical agility.

Mock Tests and Sample Papers

Give mock paper to experience how it would happen in the exam
Analyze your performance by focusing on areas of weakness.

Time Management tips

Legal Aptitude: 10-12 min. Focus direct questions based on facts.
Reasoning Skills- Take 12-15 minutes to solve questions based on reasoning skills. Attempt easy questions to save time.Mark complex problems for revision if time allows

Revision Strategy

  1. Daily Practice:
    Solve at least 10 questions each from Legal Aptitude and Logical reasoning daily
    Review the wrong answers not to repeat mistakes
  2. Weekly Revisions:
    Summarize the legal topics that one has learned weekly so better one will retain it.
    Revisit logical reasoning techniques frequently
  3. Mock Tests:
    Take full-length mock tests every weekend to assess progress and enhance the speed.

More Tips to Scores High:

  1. Conceptual Clarity: Understand the concept rather than memorizing the concepts.
  2. Notes: Short preparation of notes for quick revision at least a week before the exam.
  3. Current Affairs: Follow current legal developments and landmark judgments for contextual knowledge.
  4. Accuracy: Avoid guesswork in case of questions on reasoning since such incorrect answers may waste time.

Final thoughts:

By following these tips and preparation strategies candidates can easily clear the CSEET exams in the first attempt in one go. Candidates can also refer to our free lectures online for better clarity. 

Stay connected with our blog page for more such content and updates.

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