Indian Financial Markets-Economics

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1.Which of the following Organization refinance Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)?

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2.Which of the following is not correct about development banks in India?

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3.Which of the following activity is not permissible for NBFC?

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4.An example of a development bank in India is

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5.Which development financial institution integrated with a bank ?

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6.In which of the following year Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) were established in India?

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7.Bank rate is decided by which of the following?

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8.Which of the following is a subsidiary of SBI?

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9.. Regional Rural Banks work at

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10.Which is the financial development institution created specially for the small & medium enterprises

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11.Which of the following is the first Development Bank of India

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12.Which of the following is the apex institution which handles refinance for agriculture and rural development in India ?

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13.Which of the following is a development bank ?

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14.Which of the following is not covered under the Commercial banks?

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15.Which is the first NBFC to be converted into a bank?

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16.In September 2018, which insurance company launched 'E@Secure' a cyber insurance policy for individuals?

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17.In which year Mutual Fund industry started in India?

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18.Which of the following manages Stand-Up India for Financing SC/ST and/or Women Entrepreneur scheme?

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19.Which of the following banks were nationalized in 1980?

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20.Co-operative development bank was set up by

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