3127 Indian Economy-Economics Register For Free Quiz NamePhone NumberEmail 1 / 25 1.In which year The Industries (Development and Regulation) Act came into force? 1952 1971 1983 1996 2 / 25 2.When there is an excess of exports over imports, it is called_____. Favourable balance of trade Unfavourable balance of trade Favourable Fiscal Deficit Unfavourable Fiscal Decifit 3 / 25 3.________ is an investment made by a company or individual who as an entity in one country, in the form of controlling ownership in business interests in another country. Foreign Portfolio Investment Foreign Institutional Investment Foreign Direct Investment Foreign Grants 4 / 25 4.What does RKVY stands for? Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana Rashtriya Kamgaar Vikas Yojana Rashtriya Kendra Vikas Yojana Rashtriya Krishi Vishesh Yojana 5 / 25 5.What was the term of Twelfth Five Year Plan of India? 2002-07 1990-95 1995-2000 2012-17 6 / 25 6.Which one of the following is not true about the Indian Economy? Output of cereals has been rising The share of work force engaged in agriculture has been falling Rate of Growth of India’s population has been rising Indian population has been rising 7 / 25 7.Purchase of equity shares in an Indian joint stock company by a foreigner constitute: All of these Foreign Portfolio Investment Green investments Portfolio investments 8 / 25 8.Previously India was: Industrial Sector Agriculture Sector Agriculture sector with less industrial base Agrarian Sector 9 / 25 9.When was the first Industrial Policy Introduced: 1977 1956 1948 1953 10 / 25 10.In which of the following sector, disguised unemployment is observed? Insurance Agriculture Service Industry 11 / 25 11.In terms of agriculture which of these is the most developed state? Bihar Punjab U.P Haryana 12 / 25 12.Mixed economy means an economy when There is co-existence of public sector along with private sector. Both agriculture and industry are equally promoted by the state. None of these There is importance of small scale industries along with heavy industries 13 / 25 13.Which of the following is a development issue in India? Inequality in wealth distribution Low per capita income Poor quality of human capital All of these 14 / 25 14.Which of the following is an advantage of co-operative farming: Higher productivity Low cost of farming Mechanisation of agriculture All are applicable 15 / 25 15.Which one of the following is the regulating authority for governing the insurance companies in India? PFRDA SEBI IRDA TRAI 16 / 25 16.Which of these is an objective of industrial policy? Optimum utilization of resources Sustainable growth Gainful employment All of these 17 / 25 17.Which one of the following is correct? Over the years The share of the agricultural sector in India’s GDP has been falling he share of service sector and manufacturing sector in India’s GDP has been stagnant The industrial production has been falling Agricultural production has been falling 18 / 25 18.The term industrialization involves: Superior techniques of production Modern Techniques Both None of the above 19 / 25 19.Indian economy is Socialist Economy Mixed Economy Gandhian Economy Free Economy 20 / 25 20.Which one of the following is not true about the Indian economy? The share of work force engaged in agriculture has been falling. Rate of growth of India’s population has been rising Output of cereals has been rising Indian population has been rising 21 / 25 21.Major percentage of working population of Indian is engaged in: Tertiary sector Public sector Private sector Secondary sector 22 / 25 22.................. sector is treated as the major source of savings Industrial Agriculture Service None of these 23 / 25 23.The contribution of agriculture of India’s economy is Decreasing Increasing Constant None of these 24 / 25 24.................. sector occupies central place in the economy Industry Agriculture Service None 25 / 25 25.In the current scenario agriculture sector employs: 70% of entire manpower Less than 50% of entire manpower 52% of entire manpower 65% of entire manpower Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart quiz