1 / 18

Companies Secretary is defined under:

2 / 18

The ICSI is a premier national professional body established under

3 / 18

Company Secretary is not the Key Managerial Personnel of the Company.

4 / 18

The ICSI functions under the administrative jurisdiction of

5 / 18

The role of Company Secretary is :

6 / 18

Secretarial Audit is defined under:

7 / 18

Secretarial Audit report should be prepared by

8 / 18

The Role of Scrutinizer is played by

9 / 18

A Company Secretary in practice is not eligible to become a Technical Member of NCLT.

10 / 18

A practicing company secretary can be a member of NCLT if he is practicing for at least:

11 / 18

Company Secretary has been recognized to represent before various Regulators, and
Authorities under which Act?

12 / 18

Power/duties of Auditors apply __________ to Company Secretary in practice
conducting secretarial audit.

13 / 18

Full form of SEBI:

14 / 18

Vision of Institute of Company Secretaries Board of India is :

15 / 18

Companies Secretary is a :

16 / 18

Work of a Practicing Company Secretary is of

17 / 18

Stock exchange and every company shall provide the facility to it members to exercise
right to vote if it has:

18 / 18

Function of Company Secretary is defined under: