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1. What is the full form of CNC ?

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2. __________ connect the different Branches of an organisation in a Private, dedicated
communication network.

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3. Investors are expected to open to get their share certificate in the electronic forms.

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4. The abbreviation ISDN stands for __________.

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5. “The letter written by one party to another, and the answers there to, make what is called
the correspondence of parties such correspondence if done through electronic signals via
is called __________.”

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6. Full form of HTTP -

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7. __________ is a networking infrastructure.

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8. Full form of URL is:

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9. When was FTP (File Transfer Protocol) put in use

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10. Which protocol is used to receive mail?

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11. Which is not an E-mail etiquette?

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12. Which protocol is used by web?

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13. Unsolicited or junk mails are filtered through the option of

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14. Who is called as the “father of E-mail”?

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15. This began as an American experiment in computer communication technology during
the cold war and has revolutionised the world.

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16. Full form of IMAP:

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17. Full form of POP:

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18. Which year was water shed year in e-mail marketing?

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19. In year __________ the MIT was the first to demonstrate the use of the first e-mail
system, known as MAIL Box

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20. Purposes of Intranet:

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21. The Internet was originally a project of which agency?

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22. HTML is used to create

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23. Which one of the following is not a search engine?

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24. Verification of a login name and password is known as:

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25. Internet explorer falls under: